Arduino workshop - The Switch

Deuxième année, Troisième année, Quatrième année, 2022

The aim of this 4-day workshop was to put into practice the skills acquired in the Bricode workshop (practice of code and fabrication), around the theme of the switch. Simple in use but whose function is no longer considered, this small object inherent to the electrical universe was manipulated and questioned in all directions. The students’ proposals are all singular and personal: hijacking the key of a desk phone, a button that change the course of time on a clock, etc.

Conversion of a transmitted signal into Morse code, in a visible/illusive form. The machine unrolls a thermal paper when Morse code is sent to it (short press, long press, empty) via a small remote button; the paper is pushed towards a hot metal part when a short or long press is made and blackens locally - Iman Barriol

A non-precise clock, which offers a random variation of its time measurement - Enguerran Millière

A secretarial telephone turned into a proletariat telephone. Each key pressed will display a scrolling message, from Karl Marx, Louise Michel, Pierre Kropotkin, etc. - Zélie Thackway Tutein.

The soft switch will sense the pressure, and cause the bulb to flash proportionally - Héloïse Chever.

The blink of an eye as a switch? a spectacle frame will pick up the blink and power the toaster when they are open only - Julian Protée.

  • Classe(s) :
    Deuxième année
    Troisième année
    Quatrième année
  • Année de réalisation :
  • Enseignant.e(s) référent.e(s) :
  • Tag(s) :
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